Announcement on N. Pashinyan’s call to close the entrances of the courts

Announcement on N. Pashinyan’s call to close the entrances of the courts

This is a war against our statehood. The seizure of power accompanied by the failure of the constitutional order has brought us to the next stage of the state crisis. Under the direction of a foreign agency network, the legislative-executive authorities were brought out against the judiciary. An open process of dismantling of constitutional institutions is taking place.

Legality is not restored illegally. You do not realize it yet, but the abolition of the judiciary will inevitably lead to catastrophic consequences that will knock on your door as well. You, the participants of these illegal actions, are to blame for the loss of our statehood tomorrow.

You will not be the judge, you will be the convict, because the Prime Minister pushes you to become a criminal’s accomplice. Any act of a citizen obstructing the work of the court tomorrow is punishable under Article 332, Part 1 of the RA Criminal Code, as a result of which you will be sentenced to up to 5 years in prison after the restoration of the constitutional order. Nikol Pashinyan’s actions are in breach of the constitutional order, for which he will be imprisoned for 10-15 years.

This is a provocation, which aims to provoke civil strife, deepen public hatred, “split the society at risk of war.” In the hands of the real clients of this legal permissive agenda, Pashinyan is a puppet, and you, his tool, are the victims of tomorrow.

Adekvads. We exist. And we will not give up.

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“Adekvad” NGO

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